We have arrived in Cost Rica!
Our goodbyes have been said and our trust has been place in the Lords hands. Now we begin a new season of our lives! We are finally settled here in the beautiful country of Costa Rica where we will learn and perfect the heavenly language of Spanish. We feel such awe and gratitude as we think of all the people that are obediently giving and praying for our ministry to the university students in the country of Chile. After being here exactly one month we still at times stop and think "I can't believe we are here!" Its been a long year as we spent our time raising a budget to get to the field. Our new season involves advanced grammar, translation, interpretation, and Latin American Literature. Sounds like a lot but we have realized how much of a blessing this will be as it will prepare us for our future in Chile.
Josh and I have gotten in tune with the culture and started shopping at the "feria" Saturday mornings. Here people come buy and barter fruits and vegetables for the week for half and sometimes one forth the price as in the supermarkets.