We've been in Costa Rica for almost 3 months. We finally feel pretty adapted and pretty blessed with the opportunity to be here. It's amazing how living in a different country makes you think a lot about your identity and values. God is teaching us so much about people and culture! We wanted to take the time and share a little about our lives here. Costa Rica is a country of 4 million people, which is equivalent to the city of Houston! And 1 million of them live in the the province of San Jose, where the capital is and where we live. It is a pretty advanced country and we have almost everything we need. In some cases not what we are use too, but hey it works. Something that we've had to adapt to is not having a car. So buses have become our common mean of transportation. I've really grown to enjoy it because we are exposed to people daily and through it I have learned a lot about patience. Having a car you can get in, drive to, get out, do what you have to do and head back. Ridding the bus to us means having to wait for the bus that passes by every 15 minutes sometimes more, then sitting and sometimes standing to the the desired bus stop. Now buses are not small in Costa Rica. Imagine a charter bus, no wait many charter buses traveling on one way two lane roads. You are not getting anywhere fast! The ups is not having to worry about parking and gas! I've also labeled the driving here "the order of disorder." No one hardly obeys streets signs and signals. The "oh crap" handle has become survival when ridding anywhere. The crazy thing is that this disorderly driving works for them. It's almost like you have to become un-
cautious to be safe!
"Alrededor de un cafe se aregla el mundo" is what I've learned. This culture is centered around coffee and it tastes good. Costa Ricans can drink a good cup of joe and we are not complaining. I think our addiction has gotten worse since we've been here. I don't know what we will do when we get to Chile and have to drink instant coffee! Coffee is the countries main export and the perfect climate conditions allows it to be cultivated. Josh and I were so in awe the other day when we drove through a coffee plantation. Who knew the plant was pretty too. There is also so many ways to prepare it The picture to the right is called "cafe choreado", dripped coffee. It's also neat to see how coffee will bring friends together and be the reason to unite people. It is really true "a cup of coffee makes everything all better."
just think.. a year ago, we were all in huntsville... now we're scattered all over the world!
-hee young