Mayra's Ramblings: Job description modification

I have finally come to grips with the fact that my role in ministry is drastically changing. I somehow find myself at home with a 6 month old on my hip while trying to entertain a 3 year old. And literally that is a ll I have time for! The other day as Josh walked out the door for a day on campus before our university student meeting I realized that home was were I needed to be and I was ok with it. For the most part I try to be as active as I can in ministry. There are times when I find myself on the other extreme; feeling like an awful mother, because I choose to take my kids to campus where one occasionally can catch a whiff of second hand marijuana smoke. Finding the balance is key and the main thing for me is being okay when I can't be involved in certain ministry events. I have to remind myself that this is the only opportunity I get to raise my children and this season will come and go before I even know it. 
An afterthought: Just as I began to deal with this something happened that only helped reinforce what I had been feeling. John Mark got pneumonia and was hospitalized for a whole week. I felt guilty for every time I drug the kids out in the freezing cold to fulfill "my duties" and feel accomplished in ministry. It was a very difficult time for our family. It is times such as these that you wish you had your family around and you were not so far away. By the grace of God we made it work and got through it. I realized so many things, mainly that I don't have to be Superwoman trying to do it all! Did I just say that? As cliche as it sounds my ministry is taking care of my family and the rest comes after that. Did I say that too? I love what God has called us to do. I love spending time with young people and teaching them how to walk with Jesus. God is not letting me forget that. I am entering into a new season and ministry may look a bit different for me for a time. And I am okay with that.


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