The New Renfro Family Monday night we went to bed around 1:00 am. Veronica and Melody ha d been over that day. We had lunch at a Peruvian restaurant, came home, had coke floats, watched the movie Up and ate popcorn. It was a fun day off and a great way to pass the time as I anxiously awaited for Naomi to get here. I was 39 weeks and 2 days along. That night before bed I journaled a bit in Naomi’s prayer journal, then fell asleep in Josh’s arms as he consoled my tears of anxiousness and impatience. A t 2:30something am I was awakened by a sharp abdominal pain. It wasn’t the type of contraction I had been looking out for. I decided to have a bit of hope and began to take down the time. At 2:45 I felt another one. I thought to myself “can this be it”. I laid there and just waited. 3:00 am, another one. I turned on the lamp and Josh must have sens ed something because he rolled over and asked if I was ok. I, surprised at the fact he had actually woken up, told him I thought I was having ...
Much love.