Last month Noami took her first steps and by the end of the month she was on her two feet conquering the world! I know it sounds cliche but they do grow up too fast! As much as I am proud of her reaching this milestone I feel sadness because in a certain way she won't need me anymore. I want her to succeed yet not forget me...the one who gave her life. Wow! Do you think God feels the same way about us? God the one who gave us life and the steps to conquer it. He still longs for us to need continually look back at him as we take steps forward saying, "look at me father, I can do this...thank you for what you have given me and taught me. I am doing this all by myself yet I am doing it for you!"


childofyah said…
Awww!!!! THis is AMAZING. SHe has grown SO FAST! blessings to you both friends.
You must be so proud.

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