A missionary life as I know it...

is full of seasons with and without people. The Lord constantly puts people in our path to shortly or sometimes never take them away. No matter how hard parting may be we have to look at the purposes God has through those seasons or times together. In the end if we are really close to God everything will be okay. It reminds me that He is the only thing constant in our lives. If we aren’t grounded in Him when people come and go then we will have nothing. We don’t own anything and we don’t have a right to relationships. Relationships are a gift from God and we must enjoy the best of them no matter how long we spend with the person. If we begin to own relationships then it only makes it harder when the Lord parts our ways. Some of the most beautiful friendships in my life have been long distance. My heart longs to be with those people but I trust that God’s purpose have us apart. I realize that we are fighting the same battle and our hearts are knitted by the call we have obediently chosen to obey. From now I wont hold back from the people God puts in my path. I will take them for what they are worth and search for the blessing they bring.


so good & so true, love you guys! Jennifer
cougarhoogs said…
one of my very least favorite things about college ministry is that the seasons of life together are so short. but the LORD always knits our hearts together for eternity.

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