In one of the rooms in the university...

One of the most prestigious universities in the area is Universidad Catolica del Norte. This a law, medical, and theological school. The Lord has given us tremendous favor on this university! He has opened many doors for us to be on that campus, but most importantly He has touched the hearts of many students on that campus! Marcela is a 7th year medical student about to graduate at the end of the year. She has been one of our key students and over a month ago she expressed the desire to start a girls small group. She said "I want to make the remainder of my time here count for something!" She invited several of her classmates to meet every Wednesday at 5:30 in one of the rooms of the university. We have now been meeting for nearly two months and the Lord is doing something big at Catolica del Norte. Several girls have arrived to learn about Jesus, the bible and the meaning of a life with Christ. Several girls have also given their life to the Lord and it has been so beautiful to watch Marcela disciple them and love then into the Kingdom of God. The Lord is answering prayer and students are understanding His heart for discipleship and that they can impact eternity right on their capus!


Unknown said…
You two are amazing - and you 3 will make a incredible team!
So excited to be hearing what the Lord's doing through you guys.

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